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Wananga landing

UC art collection

06 December 2023

There are over 5000 works in UC's art collection, making it one of the largest in the region. The major strength of the collection is its representation of Waitaha, Canterbury art and artists, in particular those who have taught or studied at UC or the College of Education. Check out the UC art collection.


The University’s art collection is searchable online via Kā Kohika. As the library is able to digitise works and negotiate copyright clearance, images attached to records will continue to expand. If you cannot find what you are searching for online, please contact the Art Collections Curator for assistance.

  • Search the UC art collection on Kā Kohika.

The art collection comprises 13 separate sub-collections, each with its own strengths and unique character, including:

Further information


For further information, contact:

Te Puna Rakahau o Macmillan Brown|Macmillan Brown Library

Phone: 03 369 4499 ext. 94499

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